12-12:30p every Friday through 4/18

Throughout the season of Lent, we will offer midday prayer at the Christ Our Hope building on Fridays. The prayer service will last from 12:00-12:30, and the building will remain open afterward for silent prayer or prayer with a prayer minister. All are welcome!

Come Gather with us.

Everyone is on a journey. At Christ Our Hope our journey has led us to follow in the Path of Jesus Christ. None of us have "arrived" but we are all moving towards God one step at a time. Our corporate worship itself reflects this truth as we gather in Christ's name and are led deeper and deeper into His Presence, as we hear His Word read and proclaimed, and as we encounter Him in the bread and the wine of Communion.

Wherever you are in your journey, come gather with us.

Get a feel for our Sunday morning worship by watching our most recent livestream replays on YouTube or listening to a sermon audio.

We gather around the table Christ has prepared to share our hope in Him with one another and our neighbor. Find out more about what that means for who we are, how we worship, and what we believe.