Thank you for considering a donation to
Christ Our Hope!
We depend upon your gifts to continue as a community of gospel hope inviting our neighbors to join us around God’s table.
Why Give?
At Christ Our Hope, we believe that giving is rooted in the generosity of the God who has given us every good gift. Our very existence depends upon His grace, and every spiritual and material blessing we receive comes from Him.
God’s generous gifts are not merely for our own benefit: “[We have been] enriched in every way so what [we] can be generous on every occasion (2 Corinthians 9:11).” Our tithes and offerings are one of the ways that we give thanks to our heavenly Father for the many blessings He has poured out upon us; it is also a means for us to participate in God’s mission for His church.
Give In-Person
If you attend Christ Our Hope in person, you are welcome to place your gifts in the offering basket as part of our celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Give Online
You can make a donation online through our Church Center page, available here.
Give By Mail
You can mail checks payable to “Christ Our Hope Anglican Church” to:
Christ Our Hope Anglican Church
PO Box 271982
Fort Collins, CO 80527
Other Means
If you would like to make a non-cash donation (e.g. stock options or other non-monetary financial instruments), please contact the finance team to make special arrangements. You may email them at <>