Peace by the Blood of the Cross: Good Friday Details and Meditations

Peace by the Blood of the Cross: Good Friday Details and Meditations

Join us at the foot of the cross with through a pre-recorded service of prayer, reading, and music.


His torn flesh makes us whole, his bruises bring healing, and his death gives us life.” – Bobby Gross, Living the Christian Year

The Good Friday service testifies to the mighty power of Jesus’s death on the Cross, the moment in history beginning the restoration and reconciliation of all things. Our dispersed Holy Week continues with a pre-recorded service of prayer, reading, and music that will be available Friday afternoon, and we encourage you to participate in the twilight or evening hours.

Additionally, Fr. Steve has put together the following prompts to help you meditate on and draw near to the Lamb of God today.

  • Reflect on the range of emotions you experience when you read about Jesus’s suffering and death on the cross. Share them with the Lord. Ask Him to help you keep your eyes fixed on Him, the author and perfecter of your faith.

  • Reflect on Psalm 22:1-21 as you think on the suffering of Jesus and the great deliverance to come. (This psalm was written 800 years before the crucifixion.)

  • Read John 18:1-19:37. The arrest, trial, execution and burial of Jesus. As you read the accounts, imagine yourself as one of the disciples. Perhaps, John or Peter. 

  • Reflect on what you are experiencing.

We’ll be live streaming our Easter Sunday service at 10 a.m. and hope you can celebrate with us.